As a user of the Easypaisa app in Pakistan, you’re likely familiar with its convenient money transfer feature that allows you to send funds instantly across the country. However, as the number of users has increased, Easypaisa has encountered technical issues, resulting in three common errors – esb99154, esb99017, and 404. In this article, we’ll provide you with solutions to these Easypaisa errors to ensure seamless transactions.

How to Solve All Easypaisa Error (esb99154, esb99017, 404)

Easypaisa Error List

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a closer look at the three common errors you might encounter while using Easypaisa.

EasyPaisa Error esb99154

This error occurs when you exceed the maximum transactions or monthly transaction limit. You will receive a notification from Easypaisa while making a new transaction, stating that you cannot perform this transaction at this moment. Please try again later.

EasyPaisa Error esb99017 Code

Easypaisa Error esb99154 Details

Easypaisa updated its transaction privacy policy and terms & conditions this year. According to the new policy, you can share money from Easypaisa to your bank account three times a month. If you try to make a fourth transaction, it will fail and automatically show the notification error esb99154. Therefore, to avoid this error, try to make only three transactions a month or send less than Rs 5000 in total.

EasyPaisa Error esb99017

This error occurs when you are unable to make more transactions due to the over-dated Easypaisa app. You can solve this error by uninstalling the current app and downloading and installing the latest Easypaisa version from the Google Play store.

EasyPaisa Error esb99017

EasyPaisa Error esb99017 Code

No more transactions can be made by the account owner due to notification/error esb99017.

EasyPaisa Error 404

This error occurs when the officials flag your account as spam. You can call the Easypaisa helpline and ask the agent to solve this issue for you. Alternatively, you can reinstall the app for better results.

How to Solve Easypaisa Errors

Now that we have understood the errors and their possible solutions, let’s discuss how to solve them.

  1. When you encounter the error esb99154, try sending fewer transactions or less than Rs 5000 in total in a month. This will help you avoid the notification error and ensure successful transactions.
  2. For error esb99017, uninstall the current Easypaisa app and download and install the latest version from the Google Play store. This will ensure smooth transactions from the initial stage.
  3. In case of error 404, call the Easypaisa helpline and ask the agent to solve the issue for you. Alternatively, you can reinstall the app.


The Easypaisa app has made it easier to send or share money in Pakistan. However, with an increasing number of users, it is essential to know how to solve the common errors you might encounter while using the app. We hope this article has provided you with useful information on how to solve the errors esb99154, esb99017, and 404. Remember, the best way to solve any unknown error is by dialing the app helpline and getting rid of all problems in seconds.


What is Easypaisa Error esb99154?

Answer: Easypaisa Error esb99154 occurs when a user has exceeded the monthly transaction limit or the maximum number of transactions allowed. It is advised to perform only three transactions per month to avoid this error.

How can I solve Easypaisa Error esb99017?

Answer: Easypaisa Error esb99017 occurs when the user has an outdated version of the Easypaisa app. The solution is to uninstall the current app and install the latest version from the Google Play Store.

What should I do if I encounter Error 404 while using Easypaisa?

Answer: Error 404 in Easypaisa usually occurs when the user is found to be spam by officials. It is recommended to contact the Easypaisa helpline and ask the agent to resolve the issue. Reinstalling the app may also help.

Why do I keep getting Easypaisa Error esb99154 even though I have not exceeded the monthly transaction limit?

Answer: There might be an error in the Easypaisa system causing this issue. It is best to contact the Easypaisa helpline and report the problem to their customer support team for assistance.

How can I prevent Easypaisa errors from happening in the first place?

Answer: To prevent Easypaisa errors, it is important to keep the app updated, perform transactions within the monthly limit, and avoid suspicious activity. If you encounter any error, contact Easypaisa helpline for immediate assistance.

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